Phosphorous Smoke
米陸軍の野外教範(Field Manual) Smoke Operations (1990)は、
Phosphorous Smoke 燐煙について次のように述べている(拙訳を付した)。
Phosphorus is a flammable solid that burns to form solid particles of phosphorous pentoxide in the air: smoke. The phosphorous pentoxide then reacts with moisture in the air to form phosphoric acid. We use phosphorous smokes in instantaneous-burst munitions (for example, artillery and rifle grenades), with the showers of burning phosphorous particles being highly incendiary. This makes phosphorous smoke excellent for harassing enemy personnel and starting fires, as well as its having excellent smoke properties.
Phosphorous smoke burns so hot that it tends to form a pillar of smoke, which rises rapidly. While this pillaring reduces the efficiency of phosphorous smoke, the by-product of the heat is that it obscures from the visual through the far-infrared portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. The three phosphorous smokes are WP, PWP, and RP.
WP is a spontaneously flammable natural element. It ignites on contact with air and is relatively unstable in storage. WP burns at 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit, making it the most effective smoke agent to defeat thermal imagery systems.
PWP is a formulation of white phosphorus and some other agents (for example, butyl rubber) to stabilize the smoke agent fill and slow the burning. This slowed burning tends to produce a more coherent smoke cloud with less pillaring.
RP is not spontaneously flammable, requiring ignition to burn and make smoke. RP burns at a lower temperature - 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit - which produces a more coherent smoke cloud with less pillaring. It is less incendiary than either WP or PWP, making it safer for use in smaller cartridges (for example, 40-millimeter grenades). Some munitions such as the M825 155-millimeter howitzer cartridge use felt wedges saturated with RP to produce an even distribution of smoke agent around the point of burst.
WP は、自然発火性の天然元素である。空気との接触によって発火し、保存において、比較的安定性を欠く。WP は、華氏5000度で燃え、サーマルイメージシステムを無効にするのに最も効果的な発煙剤となる。
PWP は、発煙剤を十分にゆっくり安定して燃焼させるための、黄燐およびその他(例えば、ブチルゴム)の製剤である。このゆっくりとした燃焼は、あまり柱状にならず、干渉性の高い煙を生成する傾向がある。
RP は、自然発火性を有しておらず、燃焼させ煙を出させるための点火剤を必要とする。RP は、より低い温度(華氏4000度)で燃え、あまり柱状にならず、より密集した煙を生成する。WP や PWP より焼夷性が低く、小規模な弾薬筒(例えば、40ミリ擲弾)での使用をより安全にする。M825 155ミリ榴弾砲などいくつかの弾薬は、爆発地点の周囲に、発煙剤を均等に分散させるため、RP が染みこんだフェルトのくさびを使用する。
Phosphorous smoke produces phosphoric acid. Soldiers must wear respiratory protection, such as protective masks, if exposed to phosphorous smoke.